Bookstore Policies


Textbooks are not shipped to students living on campus, they are taken to the Slayter Package Room for pick up when students arrive on campus. 

Textbook Returns

Friday, January 19, 2024 is the last day to return textbooks for Spring 2024 semester for a full refund. New books must be in new condition, CDs must remain sealed, no bent corners, no markings. All returns must be accompanied by a Denison Bookstore receipt.


Textbook Rental Agreement

  1. I hereby acknowledge that I am in receipt and accept responsibility for the rental book(s) shown on the Denison University Bookstore receipt. I have paid the non-refundable rental fee and understand that the book return policies of the store also apply to rental items. I further acknowledge that the book, whether new or used, is in good condition.
  2. I understand and accept responsibility for terms of the non-return replacement cost and replacement fee that appear on the Bookstore receipt.
  3. I commit to return the book to the Bookstore no later than the rental return due date. If I ship the book, it must be shipped prepaid and received at the Bookstore no later than the return date. Any returns received after the stated due date will be rejected.
  4. I will return the book in good salable condition as determined by the Bookstore. All CD's and other component parts included with this book at the time of rental, must be present and in salable condition as determined by the store upon return.  Limited highlighting and writing are acceptable.
  5. I am responsible for risk of loss from any cause, including theft, lost item(s), or return in unsalable condition, such as damage caused by liquids (rain, snow, coffee, juice, etc.), fire (scorched), chemical spills, tooth marks (rodents, pets, etc.), missing component parts, and spine damage.
  6. If I am late or if I fail to return the book, I will pay the Bookstore the non-return replacement cost and any applicable sales taxes. I authorize the Bookstore to withdraw/charge the same debit/credit card account that was left as the deposit account to make this payment.
  7. I will not exceed the limit or cancel the credit or debit card used at the time of the rental until all the rented materials are either returned to the Bookstore or the fees indicated above are paid in full.